Friday, January 13, 2017

Fridays Thoughts

I believe in "Good". I'm going to say this "The Devil is a liar and yes he does come to kill, steal, and destroy". He doesn't want our tangible things he wants our faith!! No one can make me or cause me to lose my Faith!! My Faith is just that Mine. If in fact the devil does come to kill, then has he used people to kill my interest in putting trust into people, if he comes to steal, has he used people to steal my job, and the joy I got from it, if he comes to destroy then has he used people to destroy the very thing I worked so hard to accomplish and relationships that made me a better me. The devil is in fact a liar and has lost. He lost a long long time ago when Jesus moved the stone from the Grave. The devil lied when he made me think I had been knocked down. I wasn't even really knocked down. I stumbled into a situation that was in fact going to make me able to suit up and make this journey with God stronger! I have witnessed and been through more than many but I still continue to show love, forgiveness, and mercy. I understand now why people don't go to church and its because of all the people who think there job is to judge. All churches have sinners in the seats on Sundays and I know this because the Bible states that we are ALL sinners. Romans is one of my favorite books in the Bible. 


The only thing that gets me is when people and I mean people in general; judge, kill, steal, and destroy,  and use Gods name as a means for personal gain and they think they will go unpunished. I will not judge you for your walk because when I stand before God I will not get to answer for you. I have a responsibility and its not judging what you do. Lets go back to the Bible for a quick second. I know I have read the Bible at least three times and I'm pretty sure it states that "if your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you". Is that what we should do. If you follow the Bible as a book of direction or laws then should you follow the entire book and not just what fits your life or what's easy. Just because I didn't grow up in church doesn't mean I'm not familiar with the Bible. The devil has used me for evil. I'm not perfect and I will never claim to be. I try my best and I love with a deep love. I love my family and friends with my all. I may not always be on point or be the best but I do try my best to better myself. The Bible, God, and Faith should not be thrown around on social media to hurt someone. People struggle, if you want to help win people over to God then Love is going to be the best way. Throwing around words and being passive aggressive is not the answer. Be an example. If you are being an example then you will not have to try very hard. I have a friend who believes in a higher power, but doesn't believe in Jesus or my God! I spend a good amount of time with her and I have the honor of calling her my friend. I have never ever tried to make her feel some type of way because of my beliefs. We have debated and discussed the Bible and Christianity a few times but never have I ever made her feel uncomfortable. Would you believe that she called me one Sunday and asked to go to church with me. Her and her sister went with me until I was banned from the Church property because of some accusations. I was banned but you know what the kicker is, the other party got to stay. After the allegations were found to not be true the other member got to come back and not only did they come back they received a standing ovation like some sort of a hero. Did anyone stand up and say you know Church there is another person that was hurt and we should pray for her and her family. Have I received one phone call of an apology. Has anyone contacted me. NO. The devil tried to destroy Gods work in working in an unbelievers life. Do you think that my friend will ever attend church again. I'm going to say NO. I will continue to be the example for her. She has watched how I have handled this and so far I have handled it tactfully and Faithfully. I pray that when I find another place to worship she will have a desire to come with me. Sometimes people make mistakes and sometimes you have to accept the apology you never got, forgive, and move on! I friends have moved on. I may no longer exist to certain people but I have a purpose and I will move mountains. This experience will not define me, it will help refine me. My friend I spoke of earlier says this to me. Your rule is simple right; don't be a douche. Its so true. We have purpose  and it's to LOVE
If you need to know what Love really means then you can find it in 1 Corinthians 13:4.  As another friend of mine says all the time on FB "it's time for a #heartcheck" 

A few verses that have helped me

Proverbs 6:16-19 my favorite book
Matthew 6:14-15
Colossians 3:13
Ephesians 4:31-32 another one of my favorite books
Matthew 18:21-22

2 Corinthians 2:5-8
If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent- not to put it too severely. The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore to reaffirm your love for him.

                            Jesus is still in the miracle working business and he SAVES

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