Thursday, April 28, 2016

Parenting is not a competition

As a mom, one of most worries is am I doing this thing called Parenting right?

  Ladies and Gentleman parenting is not a competition. IF we would spend more time praying for and learning from one another it could make this job a bit more  bearable. I have noticed woman spend entirely to much time downing other woman and not enough time motivating and uplifting them.

Note to self!

If one of my children want to play a sport or join an activity that another child likes then my child WILL get the chance to participate in that activity. This is not a competition between my kid did this or my kid did that FIRST

We all should be 100 % focused on our children's well being and happiness and not focused on if you think another parent is "copying you". That is one of the most ridiculous and immature thing I have heard from another parent. EXAMPLE my daughter loves to play basketball (as so does other thousands of girls in this world) so if another child decides she loves basketball and her father or mother signs her up then why in the world would I think those parents copied me. People, we can do better than that for our children and besides what is that teaching them... oh Bob likes baseball and my dad doesn't like Bob's dad so I can't play. Jesus take the wheel. Extracurricular activities are great for children. I also feel that children who do well in school should know the parents are proud of them but we as "adults" we have to remember that some children struggle in school and also need to feel supported by those same parents. We should be able to come together and help each other in times of trials and troubles. This world has become so full of hate and bitterness but the only ones suffering from adult insecurities is our children. I also would like to address the entire population on who's kids have cavities or which kid is in dance or sports or any school club. Every child is unique and each has a different strength. Some children grow up to be perfectly happy successful adults who never participated in any school activity, sport, or club. I'm just saying. Opinions vary and mine is get over it, and be the best parent you can be to each individual child. No child is like another.

Our children need us and need us setting a good example. 

It's a daily struggle and we all hope we are doing it "right" What might be right to me may be wrong to you. Judging and criticizing is not going to change my "right" and make it your "right"

Woman lets lift each other up..

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